Attributes { Data.SamplingRate { String Units "hertz"; } ListenerUp { } ListenerPosition { String Type "cartesian"; String Units "metre"; } ListenerView { String Type "cartesian"; String Units "metre"; } EmitterPosition { String Type "cartesian"; String Units "metre"; } ReceiverPosition { String Type "cartesian"; String Units "metre"; } SourcePosition { String Type "spherical"; String Units "degree, degree, metre"; } RoomVolume { String Units "cubic metre"; } Data.Delay { } Data.SOS { } NC_GLOBAL { String _NCProperties "version=1|netcdflibversion=|hdf5libversion=1.10.0"; String Conventions "SOFA"; String Version "1.0"; String SOFAConventions "SimpleFreeFieldSOS"; String SOFAConventionsVersion "1.0"; String DataType "SOS"; String RoomType "free field"; String Title "1118"; String DateCreated "2016-08-18 15:04:46"; String DateModified "2017-06-20 17:55:21"; String APIName "SOFA C++ API"; String APIVersion "1.1.0"; String AuthorContact ""; String Organization "Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM)"; String License "Copyright :\012Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 IRCAM. All Rights Reserved \012Disclaimer : \012IRCAM MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE CONTENTS HEREOF AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Further, IRCAM reserves the right to revise this database and/or documentation and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of IRCAM to notify any person of such revision or change. \012Use of Materials : \012IRCAM hereby grants users permission to use materials available therein for any purpose-educational, research or commercial. However, each reproduction of any part of the materials must include the copyright notice, if it is present. In addition, as a courtesy, if these materials are used in published research, this use should be acknowledged in the publication. as follows : UMR 9912 - STMS - IRCAM/CNRS/UPMC, 1, place Stravinsky 75004 PARIS FRANCE If these materials are used in the development of commercial products, IRCAM requests that written acknowledgment of such use be sent to: \012IRCAM - 1, place Stravinsky 75004 PARIS FRANCE"; String ApplicationName "libspat"; String ApplicationVersion "7.1.0 (build Wed - 03/05/2017)"; String Comment "The head-related impulse responses (HRIR) have been measured in IRCAM's anechoic chamber\012using the exponentional sweep sine technique and a sampling rate of 96 kHz. Microphones were\012positionned at the entrance of the blocked ear canal. The spatial sampling scheme is\012based on a Gaussian grid and includes 1680 directions with full azimuth range (0 deg to 360 deg),\012and elevation ranging from -51 deg to +86 deg. The angular step size is approximately 6 degrees in both\012dimensions. The subjects head position and orientation are tracked with an infrared optical motion capture system."; String History "raw measurement, HRIR truncation, windowing, loudspeakers equalization, diffuse field equalization, spatial interpolation (SH), resampling from 96 kHz, sos modelization"; String References "T. Carpentier, H. Bahu, M. Noisternig, O. Warusfel\012- Measurement of a head-related transfer function database with high spatial resolution\012- Proc. Forum Acusticum, Sept. 2014, Krakow, Poland"; String Origin ""; String RoomShortName "IRCAM Anechoic Room"; String RoomDescription "All measurements were performed in IRCAM's full anechoic chamber.\012This sound isolated cuboid-shaped room (room-within-a-room structure supported on neoprene mounts;\012all interior surfaces and mechanical structures are covered with anechoic wedges) provides a useable\012volume of 103 m3 (5.7 x 4.3 x 4.2 m3), a lower limiting frequency of 75 Hz, and background noise lower than 20 dB SPL (A Weighting)."; String RoomLocation "IRCAM, Paris, Anechoic Room (Studio 7)"; String ListenerShortName "1118"; String ListenerDescription "Human subject with microphones positionned at the entrance of the blocked ear canal."; String SourceShortName "ELAC 301"; String SourceDescription "Non-coaxial two-way ELAC 301 loudspeakers were used for the HRIR measurements.\012The distance between tweeter and woofer is approximately 6 cm; the cross-over frequency\012is 3.2 kHz. The tweeter-woofer distance corresponds to an elevation-angle bias of less than 2 deg.\012The loudspeakers are driven by a 4-channel Yamaha P2040 amplifier that delivers up to 20 watts into 8 ohms loads."; String ReceiverShortName "Knowles FG26107 C34"; String ReceiverDescription "For each subject individualized silicon ear molds were fabricated by a hearing aid specialist.\012They were cut to fit to the external auditory meatus, varnished for rigidification, and\012drilled to hold the Knowles FG26107 C34 miniature microphones and cable connectors.\012The microphones are connected to a custom made low-noise preamplifier and signal conditioner\012with a stabilized voltage regulated power supply to reduce total harmonic distortions.\012Audio signals are then transmitted to a RME Fireface 800 digital audio interface, which\012is also used for measurement signal playback."; String EmitterShortName "ELAC 301"; String EmitterDescription "ELAC 301"; String DatabaseName "IRCAM BILI"; String URL "IRC_1118_I_SOS36_44100.sofa"; String RoomVolume "103"; } }